For enrollment deadlines, please see the 校历.
Degree or Certificate Registration
If you want to apply for admission into a Certificate or Associate degree program, you will need to begin the 十大彩票平台 Admissions application process by 申请学院.
Once admitted into a Certificate or Associate degree program, you can register for classes using your 白羊座的账户.
If you want to register for classes without applying for admission into a Certificate or Associate degree program, you will need to begin the 十大彩票平台 Admissions application process by 申请学院.
以前的学生 & 学生s Currently taking only Workforce Development (non-credit) 类
If you have attended 十大彩票平台 within the past two and a half years, you can register for classes by logging in to your 白羊座的账户.
If you do not have an 十大彩票平台 Account because you have been away for over two and a half years, 你是十大彩票平台的新手吗, or have only taken courses in Workforce Development (non-credit) and want to enroll as a Non-Degree student, 请填写 general application to the college and select Non-Degree as your area of study.
If you enroll as a Non-Degree student at 十大彩票平台, please be aware that:
- You will not be eligible for 金融援助, 退伍军人福利, or certain waivers including the Senior Citizen Waiver.
- You will not be able to register for courses that are restricted to certain majors.
- You are responsible for ensuring that you have met the prerequisites for your courses.
Thank you for your interest in 十大彩票平台. We look forward to assisting you.
For help or questions with the application process, please contact the Admissions Office at admissions@dgytcp.com or 413-755-3333.
For help or questions with the course registration process after acceptance, please contact the 注册处 at registrar@dgytcp.com or 413-755-4321.